“It’s easier to believe in your ability when you’ve gotten the results you wanted. When you’ve believed for a long time but STILL have not seen the results, that’s when it’s harder, which is why a lot of people quit. Obviously I’m still here but what I’m saying is that the fight to believe is tougher / you need encouragement / reminding more regularly as you have no official result to back up what you believe.”
These are words I recently wrote to my coach. I was speaking of the journey in athletics as an athlete; however, even as I penned those words I thought of the spiritual race and the journey of waiting to see the promises of God manifested in your life.
It just so happens that one of the promises of God for my life includes athletics. That’s why, for me, my journey of being an athlete is as much spiritual as it is physical. In the natural, I am undertaking a process as an athlete (one that is visible to the onlooker); however, I am simultaneously undertaking a spiritual process of Sonship (one that is not visible). Abba is using my natural journey to reveal Himself, and as my transformation as an athlete is revealed, He is simultaneously revealing the transformation that has taken place in the spirit.
Can I be honest with you guys though? I only just received this revelation... literally as I wrote that last sentence I saw it! This is actually one of the key reasons why I write, it gives the Holy Ghost a chance to minister to me, through me, in a different way... it’s one of the few times when I can really switch off my thought so that He can bring clarity and assurance, especially when I’ve been battling doubt / my own desires.
So, back to why I started writing this post...
It’s easy to tell people to believe or to trust God. However, in reality it’s a lot harder than it looks. To believe God is simple but it is also difficult. If it were easy everyone would do it, but it’s not. It’s a constant fight. The longer you stay in the race, and the longer you have to wait on Him, the more the enemy will fight to get you to stop believing. The closer you get to the promise, the more intense the battles get as the enemy wants you to quit. You have to make a decision. A decision that you will walk by faith no matter what, a decision that you will obey the Father no matter what.
(For we walk by faith, not by sight:) (2 Corinthians 5:7)
Don’t be discouraged if doubts come, that’s part of the fight. You’re not in the wrong to experience doubt but it is wrong to believe them and act on them. When doubts come, that is the time to speak out. To remind yourself of the promise of God, to encourage yourself in the Lord.
Needing a reminder doesn’t mean you don’t believe. As long as you remain in obedience (faith) you will overcome.
For every child of God defeats this evil world, and we achieve this victory through our faith. (1 John 5:4)
The enemy knows that we act on what we believe. If you allow yourself to believe the lie (i.e., accept the doubt by dwelling on it) you will eventually act on your unbelief and move into sin. However, if or when doubts come, you choose to reject the lies (even if it takes sweating blood) you will continue in actions of faith and in the will of God.
…for whatsoever is not of faith is sin. (Romans 14:23b KJV)
I just want to encourage you (and me) not to feel that we have failed when we experience moments of doubt. The reality is, if you haven’t ACTED on those doubts then you are experiencing no more than a temptation. A temptation to move outside of faith and into sin.
We are in a spiritual battle. There will always be moments where you need to fight harder, that doesn’t mean that you have stopped believing God. It simply means you need to top up and stand up to overcome the wiles of the enemy.
A final word: Be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on all of God’s armor so that you will be able to stand firm against all strategies of the devil. For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places. Therefore, put on every piece of God’s armor so you will be able to resist the enemy in the time of evil. Then after the battle you will still be standing firm. Stand your ground, putting on the belt of truth and the body armor of God’s righteousness. For shoes, put on the peace that comes from the Good News so that you will be fully prepared. In addition to all of these, hold up the shield of faith to stop the fiery arrows of the devil. Put on salvation as your helmet, and take the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. (Ephesians 6:10-17 NLT)